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 Unit 7 How much are these pants?


1. how much (价钱)多少

2. seven dollars七美元one/a dollar 一美元

3.a pair of socks 一双袜子two pairs of socks 两双袜子

4. “颜色+名词”结构的短语有:red sweater 红毛衣blue skirt 蓝裙子 black pants 黑裤子

5. 由help构成的短语:help sb. with sth. 帮助某人某事

help sb. (to) do sth帮助某人做某事

6. want sth. 想买某物 want a sweater 想买一件毛衣

7. what color 什么颜色

8. at Huaxing’s=at Huaxing Clothes Store 在华兴服装店

9. come and buy your clothes 来买你的衣服

10.“like+名词”喜欢某物 like sweaters 喜欢毛衣

11.at a very good price 以非常优惠的价格 12.bags for sports 运动包

13. T-shirts in red=red T-shirts 红T恤衫

14. socks for only¥5 each 每双袜子五元

15. afford our prices负担得起我们的价格16. for yourself 亲自

17. come to some place 来某个地方

18. buy sth. from some place从某地买某buy skirt from Huaxing Clothes Store从华兴服装店买裙子

19. sell sth. to sb. = sell sb. sth.把某物卖给某

sell the bike to him = sell him the bike 卖给他自行车

20. have a look 看一看;看一眼have a look at = look at 看21. on sale 廉价销售for sale 等待出售


How much is the red sweater? It’s eight dollars.

What’s the price of the red sweater? It’s eight dollars.

How much are these black pants? They’re ten dollars.

What’s the price of these black pants? They’re ten dollars.

Can I help you?=What can I do for you?

Yes, please. I want a sweater.

What color do you want? Blue.

Here you are. How much is it?

Nine dollars. I’ll take it.

Anyone can afford our prices.

Come and see for yourself at Huaxing Clothes Store.

We have sweaters at a very good price.

You can buy socks for only $1 each.

The girl in red is my friend.

The green shorts are on sale for $25.

结构: 询问价格 How much + is/are + 物品名称?

What’s the price of+ 物品名称? ……多少钱?

回答:It’s/They’re + 价格


1. How much + be动词+…?询问某物价钱

How much is this T-shirt?

= What’s the price of the T-shirt? How much are these socks?

2. It is /They are +数字+ 币种单位。表示某物多少钱

It’s seven dollars. They’retwo dollars.

3. can 引导的疑问句 Can I help you?

同义表达: What can I do for you? Is there anything I can do for you?

4. sb. want(s) sth.某人想买某物 I want a sweater.

相当于:I want to buy a sweater.

5. What color do/does sb. want? What color do you want?

6. 递给别人东西时的常用语:Here you are.

7. 决定要买某东西时的常用语:I’ll take it.

8. Do/Does sb. like…?Do you like sweaters?

9. sb. sell(s) sth. for + 钱. We sell pants for only ¥30.

10. Have a look at sth. Have a look at Zig Zag’s Clothes Store.

1) Does your mother like __________(potato)? Yes,____________.

2) ___________(run)star Tom likes __________(health)food.

3)There is _____________food on the table .We like them ________.

A.a lot B. a lot of C.lot D. lot of

4) ___lunch, she has lots of vegetables.___dinner,she studies English. A. For B. At C. On D.In

5) There ______(be) some people under the desks.

6) How much ________(be) the socks.?

7) The green hats are on __________(sell).

8)______________(have) a look at our store.

9) Their clothes _______(be)________(alsotooeither)yellow.









