Applications are accepted for a position at the Associate Professor or Full Professor rank in the Department of Biochemistry and Cancer Biology at the University of Toledo, College of Medicine and Life Sciences. We are seeking an established scientist working at the cellular or molecular level on topics relevant to cancer initiation, progression, and metastasis, or novel approaches to cancer treatment or biomarker development. The University of Toledo, College of Medicine and Life Sciences offers a collegial and collaborative academic research environment. The recent affiliation with the Promedica Health Care System will expand opportunities for translational research. Current interests in the department include chromatin remodeling, signal transduction, tumor microenvironment, protein trafficking, lipid metabolism and regulation of cancer cell proliferation, invasion and death.
Candidates for this position are expected to have a sustained record of research accomplishments, current extramural funding, and a willingness to contribute to graduate and medical education. Compensation, laboratory space and start-up resources will be commensurate with rank and accomplishments.
托莱多大学是一所美国知名的公立综合大学。UT总面积达450英亩(约2700托莱多大学亩),有六大校区,其中主校区被评为全美最美的二十座大学校园之一。UT下设10个学院,其中文理学院建立于1872年,是大学最早设立的学院;商学院建立于1930年,1955年得到美国AACSB(精英商学院协会)认证。UT法学院是全美最早获得美国律师协会认可的35个学院之一。UT 的工程研究在全美名列第十八位。2006年7月,UT与俄亥俄最大的医学院合并后,其专业广泛性位居全美第十七位,涵盖文理,教育,工程,商学,法学,医学,药学,护理,艺术,表演等各类学科。