The Department of Biology invites applications for two tenure-track Assistant Professors in systems biology, broadly defined, beginning July 1, 2016. We seek candidates integrating experimental biology, advanced technologies (e.g., genomics, proteomics, microfluidics, single-cell analysis), quantitative analysis and/or mathematical/computational modeling to study the dynamical properties of biological systems. Areas of interest include epigenomics, signaling networks and microbial systems, and their application to developmental biology or studies of disease. Applicants must have a PhD in a relevant field and are expected to have postdoctoral experience and a strong publication record. Responsibilities include establishing a research program with extramural funding, teaching at both the graduate and undergraduate levels, and participating in Biology, MCBB and Bioinformatics graduate programs. The successful candidates will join a strong and growing interdisciplinary research community at Boston University and will be offered modern laboratory facilities, a competitive salary and start-up package.
波士顿大学(Boston University)位于麻州波士顿市,是一所非属宗派的私立大学。它在1839年建立于佛蒙特州时是一所卫理公会的神学院,1847年迁移到新罕布夏州的协和市,1867年又迁到麻州布鲁克兰,最后由1939年至1948年间迁移至现今沿着查尔士河畔的校区。
波士顿大学,历史悠久为全美第二大私立大学,计有15个学院。全校约30,000名的学生,大学部及研究所学生各半,而国际学生的比例则是居全美大学之冠。波士顿大学有学生天堂的美名,位于波士顿的中心,紧临查理士河CHARLES RIVER河畔,交通十分便利。
波士顿大学所在位置是属于新英格兰地区,此区为美国独立革命的发源地,也是欧洲教徒最早登陆新大陆的地点,此区共有56所大专院校,其中包括哈佛大学(Harvard University)麻省理工学院MIT等名校及多所音乐及艺术的专业学院。波士顿大学的地理位置很方便,在交通上有大众运输系统MBTA地铁电车巴士火车都可以搭乘,无需另购汽车。波士顿大学所处的位置中,除了艺术文化及学术风格浓厚之外,像一些国家级的机构也设立在此,例如:美国国家航空暨太空总署、医学研究中心等,让这里赢得了美东硅谷之美名。