Hofstra University
Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Department of Biology
Assistant Professor of Biology
Cell Biology
The Department of Biology at Hofstra University invites applications for an anticipated full-time, tenure-track, assistant professor position in cell biology. The successful candidate must have a demonstrated commitment to undergraduate education and experience in teaching, with the ability to teach lecture and lab courses in cell biology, introductory cell biology and genetics, and an upper level course that complements current course offerings
The successful candidate will be expected to teach courses at a variety of levels, i.e. undergraduate majors and non-majors, and Master's students. In addition, the successful candidate will be expected to establish and maintain an externally funded research program in eukaryotic cell biology accessible to both undergraduate and Master's research students.
Candidates must have a Ph.D. in a relevant discipline, be a team player, and have experience in course development and design. Experience with active learning techniques is desirable. Post-doctoral experience is required.
霍夫斯特拉大学(Hofstra University)成立于1935年,位于纽约州长岛地区纳苏县亨普斯特德镇。最初可溯源于纽约大学纳苏分院(Nassau College – Hofstra Memorial of New York University at Hempstead, Long Island)。1937年该学院从纽约大学独立出来并更名为霍夫斯特拉学院(Hofstra College)直到1963年变更为霍夫斯特拉大学。霍夫斯特拉大学发展至今共有十一个主要学院,也是纽约地区仅有的同时拥有商学院、医学院、法学院和工程学院的三所大学之一(另两所为哥伦比亚大学和纽约大学)。截止2013年学校共有126,000多名校友。值得一提的是该校接连在2008年和2012年主办了美国总统竞选辩论。
整个校园共有115幢建筑,分为南北校区,以一座横跨主干道的封闭式天桥相连。南校区以教学功能区为主,设施大多为办公楼、教学楼以及图书馆等。北校区的特点是生活功能区,包括宿舍楼、停车场、运动场以及健身房(Fitness Center)。健身房室内拥有40多台最新型的Cardio Pieces、50多台Cybex StrengthTraining Pieces以及瑜伽室、有氧运动室、室内循环跑道及6个篮球场地。学校还有独立的游泳池供学生免费使用。而南校区的计算机房(Hammer Lab),上百台ThinkPad和iMac可供学生使用。此外WIFI覆盖整个校园,下载速度可达到10MB/s。