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 > 俄克拉荷马州立大学招...



Professor/Director National Institute for Microbial Forensics Food and Agricultural Biosecurity

The National Institute for Microbial Forensics Food and Agricultural Biosecurity: Oklahoma State University’s National Institute for Microbial Forensics Food and Agricultural Biosecurity (NIMFFAB) addresses critical and emerging needs related to national and international plant and food biosecurity, homeland security, microbial forensics, emerging plant disease issues, food safety, and other topics related to potential threats (invasive diseases/pests, bioterrorism, etc.) to production agriculture and a safe and sustainable food supply. NIMFFAB, the only entity in the U.S. with this specific focus, currently includes five faculty members having specific appointments within the Institute, and several affiliated faculty experienced in microbial forensics, pathogen detection and disease diagnostics, vector entomology, human pathogens on plants, molecular biology, and population biology, and their associated staff and students.


The successful candidate will serve in an 11-month tenure track position as the Director of NIMFFAB to provide strong and creative leadership to the NIMFFAB team and coordinate efforts within the Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (DASNR) in conducting outstanding research, education and outreach that are responsive to stakeholders in the U.S. and Oklahoma defense, security and food safety communities. He or she will facilitate the development of cooperative programs, maintain a vision for Institute growth and success, and enhance capacity in emerging areas of investigation (microbial forensics, food/commodity safety and security, vector-borne pathogen transmission, etc.).

Research: The successful candidate will develop an externally-funded, stakeholder-targeted research program related to agricultural/food biosecurity and microbial forensics. He or she will actively seek funding and facilitate funding efforts to support research and graduate education in agricultural biosecurity and microbial forensics. This will require leadership in creating and leading interactive and interdisciplinary scientific teams, including collaborations within and outside of NIMFFAB, DASNR, and Oklahoma State University to improve agricultural health and food biosecurity in commodities relevant to Oklahoma and the United States (may include plant and/or animal health, food microbiology, etc.).

Teaching: The successful candidate will teach a course relevant to her/his expertise, mentor graduate and undergraduate students, and help to develop and offer educational programs that will prepare young scientists to meet national staffing needs in emerging areas of homeland security and agricultural biosecurity.

Extension: This position will carry no formal Extension appointment but the incumbent will have occasional opportunities to provide educational programs or exercises related to biosecurity and attribution of potential bioterrorism/biocriminal events to Federal groups, such as the FBI, as well as to Oklahoma entities such as the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry. These opportunities will target diverse communities and stakeholders including law enforcement, regulatory officials, security agencies, crop producers, food handlers and processors, plant and animal disease diagnosticians, Cooperative Extension educators, and researchers.


Candidates should have a Ph.D. in Plant Sciences (Plant Pathology, Crop Science, Horticulture, etc.), Animal Science, Food Science, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Forensic Sciences, or another relevant discipline, and have demonstrated scholarly achievement in research meriting appointment as a full professor with tenure in one of the Division’s academic departments. Preference will be given to individuals having knowledge of, connections with, and a history of productive collaborations and established interactions with members of Federal and international law enforcement, security, and policy-making agencies such as APHIS, CDC, DOD, DHS, CPHST, FBI, etc. To remain at the center of national focus for such issues, the incumbent must be a U.S. citizen and be eligible for federal security clearances.


俄克拉何马州州立大学成立于1890年12月25日,是一所公立大学。1894年,在地方教堂开设了两年半的课堂,有144 名学生来到了第一栋教学楼,也就是以后称为“Old Central ”的地方,在校园的东北角。1896年俄克拉荷马州A&M学院举行了它的第一个毕业庆典,送走了6 名毕业生。1957 年,俄克拉荷马州A&M 学院成为了俄克拉荷马州州立大学。科学技术分支在Okmulgee 建立于1946 年,在俄克拉荷马市成立于1961 年。(1990 年更名为OSU-Okmulgee 和OSU-Oklahoma City )。1988 年7 月,俄克拉荷马大学外科整骨疗法(在Tulsa )成为了俄克拉荷马州州立大学的外科整骨疗法医学院。2001 年,它成为俄克拉荷马州州立大学保健医疗科学中心的一部分。OSU 位于Stillwater, 在俄克拉荷马州的北部地区,人口约有42 ,000 。Stillwater 与Tulsa 和俄克拉荷马市的其它城市之间相隔不过60 公里。乘坐飞机和火车很便利的可以到达其它主要的人口密集中心地带。

俄克拉荷马州州立大学提供了可供选择的有价值的教育形式。这样一种教育形式是大家聚集在一起对时间进行调查和研究来面对机遇和挑战。有200多个本科和研究生学位可提供,OSU是俄克拉荷马州公立大学并且广泛的教育机构遍布整个州及更远的区域。我们的学院有在各自领域的领头者并且有一批在在国家刊物上发表过优秀著作的学者和科学家。俄克拉荷马州州大学提供世界级教育给所有的学生,包括: 全日制,半脱产,成人教育和传统教育。 学校4个校区注册的学生大约26,000名。提供学士,硕士和博士学位针对各个不同的学术领域,比如整骨疗法专业博士学位和兽医博士学位。









