9月22日澳大利亚政府正式公布了大家期待已久的对于学生签证项目复审报告的回应。 在2010年年底, 澳大利亚吉拉德政府任命澳大利亚勋章获得者Michael Knight先生对学生签证项目进行首次独立复审。Knight先生于2011年6月30日向政府提交了复审报告,对如何提高澳大利亚国际教育的质量和诚信度、增强其竞争力以及加强健全学生签证项目共提出了41项建议。 澳大利亚政府支持Knight先生所提出的所有建议。此次签证政策变化主要涉及简化签证审理,降低部分学生签证申请人的经济担保金额要求,加强学生签证项目的诚信度,毕业后工作签证等内容。 以下是《澳大利亚政府回应Knight对学生签证项目的复审》的详细内容。
2010年12月,为了进一步完善政府之前推出的改革措施,吉拉德政府任命澳大利亚勋章获得者Michael Knight先生对学生签证项目进行首次独立复审。Knight先生于2011年6月30日向政府提交了复审报告。可登陆澳大利亚移民与公民事务部(以下简称DIAC)网站查看或下载Knight先生复审报告全文的副本。详见:www.immi.gov.au/students/knight/
澳大利亚政府支持Knight先生所提出的所有建议,在实施时将稍作修改 ,以提高该行业的性能和更好地维护签证制度的诚信度。
详见: 职业教育与培训,中小学和非学历教育类别常见问题答疑
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毕业后工作签证 (Post-study work visa )
就读中小学课程的学生签证持有人也将受益于澳大利亚政府的下述签证政策变化计划:• 取消就读中小学课程且评估等级在4级(AL4)的学生签证申请人需提供英语语言测试成绩的要求;• 允许就读中小学课程的所有学生签证持有人可选读不超过50周的英语课程;• 给予学生监护人无限制的、非全日制地就读ELICOS课程的权利。
• 对HDR签证推出简化签证审理办法;• 可申请为期三年或四年的毕业后工作签证(Post Study Work Visa);• 学习期间获得无限制的工作权利;以及• 延长HDR签证的有效期,在论文互动评分期间可获得最多6个月的延期签证。详见:研究型高等学位常见问题答疑
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• 预付的寄宿家庭费用将计算在学生签证申请所要求的经济担保金中;• 停止DIAC的签证预评估(PVA)政策,现行的政策是教育提供机构在向评估等级3级(AL3)和4级(AL4)境外学生签发入学确认书前需先从DIAC获得签证预评估信;• 学生可在开课前最早提前4个月获得学生签证;以及• 定期更新学生签证评审时的生活费担保金额要求。政府计划从2011年晚些时候逐步推出这些签证政策变化。
将建立一个新的经常性协商机制 - 教育类签证咨询委员会,为澳大利亚政府和国际教育行业间进行持续的磋商,共同参与教育类签证政策的制定提供一个论坛平台。
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Government response to the Knight review of the student visa program
The international education sector contributes to Australia’s international relations. This is demonstrated not only through dedicated visas for AusAID and Defence students, but through the creation of links with students who return home with an Australian education and experience of Australian life. These relationships lead to a better understanding of Australia internationally and can develop into long-term connections for individuals, businesses and communities.
In December 2010, the government appointed the Hon Michael Knight AO to conduct the first independent review of the student visa program to complement earlier reforms. Mr Knight reported to the government on 30 June 2011 and a copy of his full report can be viewed or downloaded from the Department of Immigration and Citizenship’s (DIAC) website.
Knight Review recommendations
Mr Knight made 41 recommendations to enhance the quality, integrity and competitiveness of Australia’s international education sector and improve the integrity of the student visa program. A list of the 41 recommendations is available on DIAC’s website. See: www.immi.gov.au/students/knight/
Government response
The government supports all of Mr Knight’s recommendations and will implement them with some modifications to enhance the performance of the sector and to further safeguard the integrity of the visa system. The measures are detailed below.
Streamlined visa processing
The government plans to introduce streamlined visa processing for international students enrolled in Bachelor or certain higher degree courses, to commence in the first half of 2012. This recognises that universities, collectively, have a good track record as low-risk, high-quality providers.
International students who package their non-university courses with an eligible university course will also be able to access these streamlined arrangements. This would include students coming for semester or year long non-award courses at an Australian university, for example, as part of an agreed student exchange program.
This change will reduce visa processing times and increase the competitiveness of the university sector. It means that these students, regardless of their country of origin, will be treated as though they are lower risk (similar to the current AL1). The government’s planned implementation date will allow time to consult with universities on their responsibilities under the arrangements. See: Streamlined visa processing frequently asked questions
Reducing the financial requirements for some student visa applicants
The government plans to reduce the financial requirements for higher risk AL3 and AL4 student visa applicants, with students now needing up to $36 000 less in the bank when applying for a visa. Applicants for the non-university sector in particular will benefit from these changes. These changes are slated to commence in late 2011. See: Vocational Education and Training (VET), schools and non-award sectors frequently asked questions
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Enhancing the integrity of the student visa program
The government plans to introduce a new genuine temporary entrant criterion for all student visa applications which will enable DIAC to better assess immigration risk without adding to the visa application or documentary requirements. This criterion would explicitly address whether an applicant’s individual circumstances indicate that their principal aim is for a temporary stay in Australia to study and then return home.
This new criterion makes possible other proposed changes to reduce the visa requirements for some prospective students, for example, streamlined visa processing and a reduction of the financial requirements for certain applicants. See: Genuine temporary entrant (GTE) criterion frequently asked questions
The government will also undertake a fundamental review of the Student Visa risk management framework—the Assessment Levels—with the view to moving to a more targeted system as noted above. This AL framework review will receive input from an external reference group.
The current AL system for identifying student visa risk ranks applicants according to their nationality and education sector and determines the financial, educational and English language evidence applicants are required to provide.
See: Fundamental Assessment Level (AL) framework review frequently asked questions
Post-study work visa
The government plans to give university graduates in Bachelor, Masters and PhD courses access to a post-study work visa that will allow them to work in Australia for up to four years after they graduate. This new visa is planned to apply irrespective of the nature of the course and would not be tied to working in any particular occupation. This change provides an opportunity for university graduates to gain a period of practical experience in Australia, after completing their studies here. The government plans to make this visa available to new student visa holders, so will likely be available from early 2013. See: Post-study work visa frequently asked questions
More flexible arrangements for English language study
The government plans to make English language study in Australia more accessible for a range of people by removing the English language test requirements for stand alone English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS) visa applicants. School student visa holders will also benefit from the government’s plans to: • remove the English language requirements for schools sector visa applicants who are subject to AL4 • allow all school student visa holders to study English for up to 50 weeks • give student guardians unlimited part-time study rights for ELICOS.
See: ELICOS sector frequently asked questions See: Vocational Education and Training (VET), schools and non-award sectors frequently asked questions
Higher Degree by Research (HDR) sector
The government values the role that HDR students play in fostering and maintaining Australia’s innovation economy. To recognise the importance and contribution of overseas HDR students, the government plans to make it more attractive for international HDR students to study in Australia through: • streamlined processing of HDR visas • access to a three or four year post-study work visa • unlimited work rights during study • an increase to the visa validity of all HDR visas by six months for the purpose of interactive marking of a thesis.
See: Higher Degree by Research (HDR) frequently asked questions
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Improved work entitlements
Changes to the way student work entitlements are measured will give students and their employers flexibility in relation to work arrangements. Specifically, the government plans to change the work restriction from 20 hours per week to 40 hours per fortnight. These proposed changes would commence from early 2012. See: Improved work entitlements frequently asked questions
Improvements for existing student visa holders
The government plans to revoke the automatic cancellation and mandatory cancellation provisions of student visas. The new process would allow DIAC decision-makers to take all relevant circumstances into account when considering whether or not a student visa should be cancelled, providing a fairer outcome for clients. See: Improvements for existing student visa holders frequently asked questions
Visa processing improvements
Streamlining visa processing and reducing the financial requirements for some visa applicants will reduce visa processing times. The government will take steps to further simplify the student visa application process and the processing of student visas by: • allowing prepaid homestay fees to be included in the financial requirements assessment for a student visa • stopping DIAC’s Pre-Visa Assessment (PVA) policy which requires education providers to receive a PVA letter from DIAC before they can issue a confirmation of enrolment to AL3 and AL4 offshore students • granting student visas up to four months before the start of the course • regularly updating the living cost component of student visa financial requirements.
The government plans to progressively introduce these changes from late 2011. See: Visa processing improvements frequently asked questions
Education Visa Consultative Committee (EVCC)
A new ongoing consultative mechanism, the Education Visa Consultative Committee, will provide a forum for ongoing engagement between the Australian Government and the international education sector regarding education visas. The first meeting of EVCC will be scheduled to take place before the end of 2011. See: EVCC frequently asked questions
Implementation timetable
The government plans to implement the package in two major stages. A number of changes are slated for implementation before the end of 2011. These include the genuine temporary entrant criterion, the removal of the English language test requirements for AL4 and above, stand-alone ELICOS student visa applicants and the establishment and the inaugural meeting of EVCC and the reduction in financial requirements for AL3 and AL4 student visa applicants. The majority of the remaining recommendations would be implemented in time for semester two 2012 enrolments. The post-study work visa change is proposed to come into effect in early 2013.
Further informationFrequently asked questions (FAQs) are available on DIAC’s website. These FAQ documents will be updated with more information about the changes as they are progressively implemented. See: www.immi.gov.au/students/knight/
【相关阅读】 最新消息:澳大利亚学生签证重大变革!