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澳留学移民彻底分家 私立学院初现倒闭潮

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澳洲移民部长CHRIS EVANS在印度访问时,发表了一个重要的演讲,在演讲中,他暗示:澳洲的留学和移民将不会有自动连带关系。在澳洲学习,不再和获取永居有任何的自动连接关系。他还说,澳洲的移民法会做出不断地调整,从而适应澳洲社会的要求,不会因为海外学生选择的专业而改变!当记者向澳洲移民部长提问:很多海外留学生通过学习想得到澳洲永居的希望破灭,澳洲政府对此如何评价?他说:澳洲所需要技术移民的清单,将会与时俱进,按照社会发展而调整。

在他的演说中,对印度和澳洲的亲密伙伴关系,大加赞赏,溢美之词不绝于耳。但是,他还是警告那些教育留学中介说:那些打着移民澳洲幌子的留学中介,将会坑害一大批潜在的学生。移民部长大人发出如此的感慨,是因为在澳洲人报上的一篇报道。在这篇报道中,这个一贯风格是语不惊人死不休的Bob Birrel说,悉尼和墨尔本大家看到的印度学生抗议示威浪潮,才真是开始。随着大量全职工作被这些留学生抢走,大量涌入的留学生在就业和住房方面对这个社会造成的压力,这样的骚动将会恶化。




一石激起千层浪,私立学院的问题引发了各方的关注。独立教师工会的副主席 CarolMatthews 说:政府应该立法推出更多的法规来规划这些私立学院,针对他们的经济管理来说,他们应该提供更可靠的保障。这个工会正寻求和这所学院的高层联系,希望在和他们的会议上保护教师的权益。

澳洲的内阁成员以及国会也开始关注国际留学事务。独立议员Nick Xenophon 说,澳洲政府应该赔偿那些在经济上受到损失的国际学生,同时,也应该对那些受到严重剥削的国际学生负责赔款。如果那些国际学生受骗,他们理应得到退款。澳洲的外长,内阁成员Stephen Smith说,澳洲政府对国际留学生所遭受的困境,不会坐视不管的。对于这些残酷的剥削,澳洲政府,当然不会宽容,永远也不会宽容!在这一场整肃运动中,对于那些不法中介,澳洲政府会加大力度打击。

在这周,媒体公开了大量的证据,显示在澳洲留学的国际学生被那些移民中介以及教育中介所骗,澳洲国家电视台在一个专题节目中披露,一些国际留学生在澳洲受到了残酷的剥削和压榨。那九百小时的噩梦从来就没有远离这些国际留学生苦主。国家教育工会的主席Genevieve Kelly说,现在是时候整肃国际留学教育系统了,整个国际学生市场的管理,都应该被监督。

与此同时,澳洲国家学生工会表示,国际留学生需要一个代表替他们哭诉,替他们发声,以及将那些私立学院的丑闻曝光。此工会的发言人Stefie Hinchy说,在加大力度打击私立技术学院的同时,澳洲政府需要给国际留学生一个声音。这些私立学院在刚刚开始建立的时候,他们会受到政府的监管;而四年后,他们就变成无人监管了。其次,对于这些私立技术学院来说,国际留学生的代表是非常重要的。因为,在这个事件中,该校的国际留学生一直三缄其口。

[ 专题阅读 ] 澳洲教育深陷信任危机 09留澳纵深考量









[ 专题阅读 ] 澳洲教育深陷信任危机 09留澳纵深考量


Calls for crackdown as Australian college closesRelease date: 29 Jul 2009

About 500 international students and 35 staff found themselves locked out of Sterling College, in Sydney, on Tuesday and were told it had been placed in voluntary administration.

The Private Education and Training Council is making arrangements to place students at alternative colleges.

But the Independent Education Union says staff are owed at least three weeks wages and do not know if they will be paid.


The country's Senate is now looking into the international education sector.The union's acting deputy secretary, Carol Matthews, says she hopes that inquiry will recommend more regulation.

"It should provide more security in terms of financial management," she said.The union is seeking an urgent meeting with the college's administrator.


There were revelations this week that overseas students in Australia are being cheated by migration and education agents.

The frauds were exposed by television current affairs program Four Corners, on Radio Australia's parent company, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.There are concerns about the exploitation of international students, with a number of cases exposed in the program.

Genevieve Kelly, from the National Tertiary Education Union, says it is time there was an independent inquiry into the sector.

Refund call

"The whole management of the international student market, if you like, should be looked at very closely," she says.

An independent senator, Nick Xenophon, wants the Australian Government to set up a compensation scheme for international students who are exploited. "To ensure that if dodgy operators don't do the right thing . . . that students can be assured they'll be able to get a refund."

The country's Foreign Minister, Stephen Smith, says the government will not abide any abuses of overseas students.

The minister said: "Any of these abuses we, of course, won't tolerate and don't tolerate, and the cracking down so far as the migration agents' regulatory arrangements are concerned will assist in that process."

Better representation

Meanwhile, Australia's National Union of Students says international students need better representation to help them address problems at private colleges. Spokesperson, Stefie Hinchy says the government needs to give foreign students a voice as part of a wider crackdown on private colleges.

"These private colleges are assessed when they're first set up, then they are not usually assessed for four years after they are set up," she said.

"And secondly we think it's very important that at these private colleges, it be required that there be student representatives, because at the moment, students at these campuses have no voice. "

Source: Australia Network News

Immigration link in doubtRelease date: 29 Jul 2009

In a speech in New Delhi that signalled immigration would be decoupled from education, and immigration, Senator Evans stressed that there was "no automatic link" between study in Australia and access to permanent residency."The Australian government will adjust the program to meet our national needs and not be driven by the education choices of overseas students," he said. In a possible response to mounting anger among overseas students whose hopes for permanent residency may be denied, Senator Evans said: "The skills and qualifications we seek in migrants will vary over time."

Although most of Senator Evans's speech emphasised the depth of the strategic partnership between Australia and India, he had a sharp warning for unscrupulous education agents.

"Those who seek to market access to a permanent visa in Australia rather than a quality education do a grave disservice to potential students," he said.Senator Evans's comments followed a report in The Australian last week that quoted researcher Bob Birrell as saying the attacks on Indian students in Melbourne and Sydney may have been only the beginning of the social conflict to be played out as thousands of foreign students stay on with full work rights and compete for jobs and housing.

Dr Birrell told the HES that Senator Evans's speech in India was significant as it revealed a longstanding departmental concern to detach the migration selection system from the output of the overseas student industry in Australia.

Migration Institute of Australia chief executive Maurene Horder said that since the new critical skills list had come in, many applications based on the previous occupational demand list would languish in the immigration processing pipeline for many years.

The developments coincide with a recommendation from a conservative US think tank that skilled migration into the US should be restored to pre-September 11 levels to reverse the country's technological skills crisis.The US depends on science, technology, engineering and maths to maintain its position as the world superpower, according to a Heritage Foundation report, Improving US Competitiveness.

But the US suffers a shortfall of 75,000 science, technology, engineering and mathematics workers every year, even after importing 65,000 foreign workers and graduating 60,000 US engineers annually, it says.

In a development with possible ramifications for Australian efforts to lift the quality of overseas postgraduate recruits, the report calls for the cap on H-1B visas to be lifted from the present 65,000 to its pre-September 11 level of 195,000 visas a year.

As Australia cracks down on the permanent residency-driven training market, the influential think tank says the technology skills crisis is undermining US competitiveness.

As a result of shortages, many American companies are being forced either to expand outside the US or not expand at all, the report says.

[ 专题阅读 ] 澳洲教育深陷信任危机 09留澳纵深考量









