Assistant Professor of Nutrition Science
The Department of Nutrition in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) at the University of California, Davis is recruiting an Assistant Professor of Nutrition Science with a preferred emphasis in Micronutrient Metabolism. This is an academic year (9-month), tenure track, Assistant Professor position that includes the expectation of mission-oriented research and outreach relevant to the California Agricultural Experiment Station.
The Department of Nutrition is seeking applicants that focus on mineral and/or vitamin metabolism, status assessment and basic nutritional biology, with preferred emphases on pregnancy and infancy/childhood development. Preferred qualifications include a strong background in basic and applied micronutrient research, with expertise in characterizing the cellular and molecular mechanisms of specific nutritional components. The successful candidate will coordinate with existing departmental colleagues who have expertise in signature areas including cellular and integrative metabolism, developmental and life-span nutrition, and international and community nutrition with a focus on maternal and child health. Areas of departmental focus include studying mechanisms and effects of foods and food components on health and disease risk, both chronic and acute; as well as implementation and evaluation of food-based interventions, education and their impact on individuals, society and policy.
The appointee is expected to have a record of excellence in scholarly research and to establish a competitively funded research program in nutrition to address critical or emerging societal issues focused on the impacts of micronutrient deficiencies and/or excesses on the health of individuals during the lifespan and on reducing life-long disease burden. The appointee will be responsible for teaching an undergraduate course such as Introduction to Nutrition and Metabolism (NUT 111AY), which serves multiple majors within the CAES, and will contribute to the required Experimental Nutrition Laboratory course (NUT 117).
加州大学戴维斯分校是世界农业与环境科学研究和教育中心,其与农业和环境科学相关的学科包括植物科学,动物科学及农业经济和管理科学都在全美大学排名前十。UC Davis 综合排名38(2012us.news.),公立学校排名第9。Davis是一所农校,农业排名全美第一,而和农业相关的各个学科,排名相应也非常高,比如食品科学,生物,生物技术和环境科学等。另外,艺术、人文学科、工程学科、社会科学、保健科学、法律和管理学科在美国也拥有很好的口碑。