We have included information about a new provision (introduced on 1 October 2013) allowing people enrolled on courses abroad to come to the UK as student visitors to do research at a UK institution or to receive tuition on how to conduct research.
只要证明在除英国之外有修跟UK BS学位相等价值的课(如在美国、中国读研读博等),并有英国方面的offer,就可以去do research,没有课程要求。但需不由英国方资助,且访问时间小于6个月。
Research or research tuition less than 6 months
If you want to come to the UK under this route, you must meet the following requirements:
You must be at least 18 years of age
You must be enrolled on a course abroad that is at least equivalent to the level of a UK bachelor's degree
You must already have an unconditional offer to undertake research or research tuition at a UK institution
The offer must be from a UK institution that receives public funding as a higher education institution (from the Higher Education Funding Council for England, the Scottish Funding Council, the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales, or the Department for Employment and Learning in Northern Ireland), or a UK institution with degree awarding powers, or the Foundation Programme Office, or South London Local Education and Training Board, or the Yorkshire and Humber Strategic Health Authority
Your course provider abroad must confirm that the research or research tuition is part of, or relevant to, your course abroad
You must not be someone who will be employed at the UK institution as a sponsored researcher under Tier 5 (Government Authorised Exchange), or Tier 2, of the UK's Points Based System for immigration
The research or research tuition must be completed within 6 months
You must have enough money to support yourself while you are in the UK. You need to show you can pay for your tuition fees, accommodation and living expenses.
There are no minimum academic requirements for the research or research tuition for immigration purposes.
You are not required to have a minimum English language ability, but the UK institution may have specific admissions criteria.
There are no minimum hours for which you must be doing your research or research tuition during your time in the UK. You can do it part-time or full-time as a student visitor.