College of Science and Engineering
School of Geographical Earth Sciences
Lecturer in Physical Geography
fixed term for 3 years
The University of Glasgow seeks applications for the above academic posts from outstanding candidates to deliver internationally excellent research and teaching. We expect the successful candidates to contribute to teaching at undergraduate and/or postgraduate level, and to participate in School administration. The post offers opportunities to research and teach with our joint Graduate School in Nankai, China.
You will have research experience in one or more of the following areas: Environmental Geography, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Sustainability, Coastal Processes and management, Hazards - risks, response and resilience as well as experience of successful teaching, tutoring or demonstrating Geography at undergraduate or postgraduate level.
For appointment at Senior Lecturer, applicants must evidence an excellent research reputation of international standing, evidenced by a track record of publications of international quality including grants and contracts.
The successful candidate will have ability, drive and organisational skills to secure research grant funding, lead a research team and further develop an international research profile. In addition, you will have demonstrated ability to teach quantitative aspects of Physical Geography effectively at undergraduate and/or taught postgraduate level.
格拉斯哥大学成立于1451年,是苏格兰历史第二悠久、全英国校龄第四的一所久负盛名的公立大学,也是苏格兰唯一提供全面而专业教学和研究的两所全能型科教大学。 格拉斯哥大学拥有许多英国首创科目,建立了英国第一个土木工程系和造船系,其他如航空工程、海事海洋工程、计算机软件工程都堪称一流。该校医学院是英国大学里第一个将重点由临床培训转向病人照顾的医学院。除了工程和医学外,会计、财经、管理研究也是该校突出的学术优势,吸引了世界各地的学生。 学校共设有10大院校、100多个科系、超过300多个本科和硕士专业,分属于八所学院:文学院、神学院、工学院(航天、土木工程、电子与电器、机械与造船)、法律与金融研究学院(包括财务会计)、医学院(包括牙科)、科学院(生物医学与生命科学、计算机与数学、地球物理学)、社会科学院(包括商科)以及兽医学院。涵盖了管理、金融、艺术、生物化学、教育、工程、法律、医药、物理、社会科学、兽医学等。 格拉斯哥大学被英国《泰晤士报》评选的全球前80名最优秀的大学之一。同时包括心理学、生物学、医学、商业、经济学、管理学、法律、工程学(航太工程、海洋工程、电子工程)等在内的90%的专业在2005年的全英研究评估(Research Assessment Exercise, RAE)中被评为满分5+或者5分。