各国驻华使馆通讯录 中国驻外使、领馆教育处(组)通讯录
美洲(America)亚非(Asia & Africa)澳洲(ANZAC)欧洲(Europe)
驻美国使馆教育处: Education Office of the Embassy of PRC in USA 2712 Porter St., NW, Washington,DC 20008 USA Tel. 001-202-8850731 Fax. 001-202-8850716 Web. http://www.sino-education.org/
驻纽约领馆教育组: Education Office of the Consulate General of PRC in New York 520 12th Ave., New York,NY 10036 USA Tel. 001-212-3307420 Fax. 001-212-3307421 Web. http://www.nyconsulate.prchina.org
驻旧金山领馆教育组: Education Office of the Consulate General of PRC in San Francisco 1540 Laguna St., San Francisco,CA 94115 USA Tel. 001-415-6742956 Fax. 001-415-5634866 Web. http://www.chinaconsulatesf.org
驻洛杉矶领馆教育组: Education Office of the Consulate General of PRC in Los Angeles 443 Shatto Plcae, Los Angles,CA 90020 USA Tel. 001-213-8078009 Fax. 001-213-3801961 Web. http://www.chinaconsulatela.org/education.html
驻休斯敦领馆教育组: Education Office of the Consulate General of PRC in Houston 3417 Montrose BLVD., Houston, TX 77006 USA Tel. 001-713-5220319 Fax. 001-713-5220015. Web. http://www.chinahouston.org/education.htm
驻芝加哥领馆教育组: Education Office of the Consulate General of PRC in Chicago 3322 West Peterson Ave., Chicago,IL 60659 USA Tel. 001-773-4639187 Fax. 001-773-4635163 Web. http://www.chinaconsulatechicago.org/Education/Chinese/index.html
驻加拿大使馆教育处: Education Office of the Embassy of PRC in Canada 80 Cobourg St. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1N 8H1 Tel. 001-613-7896312 Fax. 001-613-7890262 Web. http://www.chinaembassycanada.org
驻多伦多领馆教育组: Education Office of the Consulate General of PRC in Toronto 24 Admiral Rd,Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5R 2L5 Tel. 001-416-3249688 Fax. 001-416-3249931 Web. http://www.educationcn.org
驻温哥华领馆教育组: Education Office of the Consulate General of PRC in Vancourver 2215 Eddington Drive, Vancourver,BC. Canada V6L 2E6 Tel. 001-604-7398711 Fax. 001-604-7381801 Email. vaned@ndi.ca.
驻墨西哥使馆教育组: Education Office of the Embassy of PRC in Mexico Calle:Hortensia 245,Casa 4 Colonia: Florida Devegacion: Villa Alvaro Obregon C.P. 01030 Mexico,D.F Tel. 0052-5-6633473 Fax. 0052-5-6611972
美洲(America)亚非(Asia & Africa)澳洲(ANZAC)欧洲(Europe)
(二)亚非(Asia & Africa):
驻日本使馆教育处: Education Office of the Embassy of PRC in Japan 135 日本国东京都 江东区平野2-2-9 Tel. 0081-3-36430305 Fax. 0081-3-36430269 Web. http://www.china-embassy.or.jp
日中会馆 日本国东京都 文京区后乐寮1-5-3 Tel. 0081-3-38141265-516 Fax. 0081-3-38115263
驻大阪领馆教育组: Education Office of the Consulate General of PRC in OSAKA,Japan 564 日本国大阪府 吹田市江坂町5-4-4 Tel. 0081-6-68212301 Fax. 0081-6-68212303 Email. DabanJiaoyuzu@post.com
驻札幌领馆教育组: Education Office of the Consulate General of PRC in Sapporo,Japan 064 日本国札幌市 中央区13条西23丁木5-1 Tel. 0081-11-5638991 Fax. 0081-11-5631818
驻朝鲜使馆教育组: Education Office of the Embassy of PRC in the Democratic people's Republic of Korea 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国 平壤市牡丹区长村栋 Tel. 00850-2-3813013 Fax. 00850-2-3813423
驻韩国使馆教育处: Education Office of the Embassy of PRC in the Republic of Korea 韩国汉城市中区 明洞2街83番地 Tel. 0082-2-7783608 Fax. 0082-2-7716432 Web. http://www.chinaemb.or.kr
驻新加坡使馆教育处: Education Office of the Embassy of PRC in Singapore 70-76 Dalvey Road Singapore 259470 Tel. 0065-7327660 Fax. 0065-7327662
驻泰国使馆教育组: Education Office of the Embassy of PRC in Thailand 57 Ratchadaphisek Road Bangkok 10310 Thailand Tel. 0066-2-2478518 Fax. 0066-2-2488085
驻印度使馆教育组: Education Office of the Embassy of PRC in India 50-D,Shantipath Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110021 India Tel. 0091-11-6114711 Fax. 0091-11-6872031
驻也门使馆教育组: Education Office of the Embassy of PRC in Yemen PO Box 482,Sana'a,Al-Zubeiri St. Sana'a, Yemen Tel. 00967-1-275340 Fax. 00967-1-245168
驻以色列使馆教育组: Education Office of the Embassy of PRC in Israel 222 Ben Yehuda Street Tel-Aviv 61060, Israel Tel. 00972-3-5249582 Fax. 00972-3-5272269
驻埃及使馆教育组: Education Office of the Embassy of PRC in Egypt 48,Giza Str Orman Blvd. 8th Floor,Apt.87 Cairo, Egypt Tel. 00202-7360845 Fax. 00202-7360845 Email. chinajy@soficom.com.eg
驻南非使馆教育组: Education Office of the Embassy of PRC in South Africa 867 Church Street,Arcadia 0083, Pretoria, South Africa Tel. 0027-12-3423982 Fax. 0027-12-3423338
美洲(America)亚非(Asia & Africa)澳洲(ANZAC)欧洲(Europe)
驻澳大利亚使馆教育处: Education Office of the Embassy of PRC in Australia 6 Dalman Crescent,O'Malley ACT 2606 Australia Tel. 0061-2-62869982、62864351 Fax. 0061-2-62901652 Email. educhem@sino-education.org.au Web. http://www.sino-education.org.au
驻悉尼领馆教育组: Education Office of the Consulate General of PRC in Sydney 19 Anzac Parade,Kensington 2033 New South Wales, Australia Tel. 0061-2-96621723 Fax. 0061-2-96973368 Web. http://www.chinaconsulatesyd.org/
驻墨尔本领馆教育组: Education Office of the Consulate General of PRC in Melbourne 40 Milburn Grove,East St., Kilda VIC.3183, Australia Tel. 0061-3-95092788 Fax. 0061-3-95099600 Email. liuxuhu@netlink.com.au
驻新西兰使馆教育组: Education Office of the Embassy of PRC in New Zealand 2-6 Glenmore St. Wellington, New Zealand Tel. 0064-4-5702758 Fax. 0064-4-5702832 Web. http://www.chinaeducation.org.nz
驻奥克兰领馆教育组: Education Office of the Consulate General of PRC in Auckland 588,Great South Road,Greenlane, Auckland,New Zealand Tel. 0064-9-5251589 Fax. 0064-4-5250733 Email. baogzheng@hotmail.com
美洲(America)亚非(Asia & Africa)澳洲(ANZAC)欧洲(Europe)
驻俄罗斯使馆教育处: Education Office of the Embassy of PRC in Russia St.Frendship(Lenin Hill)6, Moscow, Russia Tel. 007-095-1437230 Fax. 007-95-9382004
驻圣彼德堡领馆教育组: Education Office of the Consulate General of PRC in Sant-Petersburg Room 48, 7 Nahimova St. 199226, Sant-Petersburg,Russia Tel. 007-812-3550673 Fax. 007-812-3550673
驻白俄罗斯使馆教育组: Education Office of the Embassy of PRC in The Republic of Belarus 22,Berestyanskaya st.,Minsk, The Republic of Belarus,220071 Tel. 00375-172-2853682 Fax. 00375-172-2853581
驻乌克兰使馆教育处: Education Office of the Embassy of PRC in Ukraine 32 Grushevskogo St. Kiev, Ukraine 252021 Tel. 00380-44-2931911 Fax. 00380-44-2534259
驻罗马尼亚使馆教育组: Education Office of the Embassy of PRC in Romania Soseaaua Nordului Nr.2 Sector 1, 71512 Bucuresti, Romania Tel. 0040-1-6335040 Fax. 0040-1-2322362
驻匈牙利使馆教育组: Education Office of the Embassy of PRC in Hungary Dozsa Gyorgy ut 94 fszt 2 1068 Budapest Hungary Tel. 0036-1-3010432 Fax. 0036-1-3010432
驻波兰使馆教育组: Education Office of the Embassy of PRC in Poland 00-203 Warsaw St.Bonifraterska 1, Poland Tel. 0048-2-8316182 Fax. 0048-2-8316182 Email. educhina@medianet.pl Web. http://www.educhina.pl
驻捷克使馆教育组: Education Office of the Embassy of PRC in Czech Republic Pelleova 22 160 00 Praha 6 -Bubeuec Czech Republic Tel. 0042-2-378647 Fax. 0042-2-342703
驻塞尔维亚和黑山使馆教育组: Education Office of the Embassy of PRC in Serbia and Montenegro Aradska 4, 11000 Beograd Serbia and Montenegro Tel. 00381-11-3807583 Fax. 00381-11-3807583
驻保加利亚使馆教育组: Education Office of the Embassy of PRC in Bulgaria No.7 Anri Babuse Str. Sofia 1113, Bulgaria Tel. 00359-2-9532923 Fax. 00359-2-9532923
驻德国使馆教育处: Education Office of the Embassy of PRC in Germany Lyckllee 36,14055 Berlin, Germany Tel. 0049-30-3057536 Fax. 0049-30-3040825 Email. edu-embbasy-cn@t-online.de Web. http://www.edu-chinaembassy.de
驻波恩办事处教育室: Rheinallee 53,53173 Bonn, Germany Tel. 0049-228-3502660 Fax. 0049-228-354215?
驻慕尼黑领馆教育组: Education Office of the Consulate General of PRC in Muenchen Romanstrasse 107 80639 Muenchen, Germany Tel. 0049-89-1708602 Fax. 0049-89-1708639
驻瑞士使馆教育处: Education Office of the Embassy of PRC in Suisse Bersetweg 6 3073 Guemligen-Bern Suisse Tel. 0041-31-9514325 Fax. 0041-31-9514331 Email. jiaoyuchu@muri-be.ch Web. http://www.edu-china-embassy.ch
驻比利时使馆教育处: Education Office of the Embassy of PRC in Belgique Avenue Hansen Soulie 77 1040 Bruxelles Belgique Tel. 0032-2-7367241 Fax. 0032-2-7359452 Web.http://www.chinaedu.be
驻奥地利使馆教育处: Education Office of the Embassy of PRC in Austria Metternichgasse 11/16 A-1030 Wien Austria Tel. 0043-1-7131788 Fax. 0043-1-7157095
驻荷兰使馆教育处: Education Office of the Embassy of PRC in Netherland Antonie Duyckstraat 132 2582 TR Den Haag The Netherland Tel. 0031-70-3512902 Fax. 0031-70-3512902 Email. jiaoyu@xs4all.nl Web. http://www.xs4all.nl/~jiaoyu
驻意大利使馆教育处: Education Office of the Embassy of PRC in Italia Via Malcesine 37/int 70 00135 Roma Italia Tel. 0039-06-3017539 Fax. 0039-06-3053916
驻葡萄牙使馆教育组: Education Office of the Embassy of PRC in Portugal Rua De Sao Caetano 2, a lapa 1200 Lisboa Portugal Tel. 00351-1-3928445 Fax. 00351-1-3975632
驻瑞典使馆教育处: Education Office of the Embassy of PRC in Sweden Skoldvagen 10, 182 64 Djursholm, Stockholm Sweden Tel. 0046-8-7552318 Fax. 0046-8-7531269 Email.info@cnedu.nu Web. http://www.cnedu.nu
驻丹麦使馆教育组: Education Office of the Embassy of PRC in Denmark Henningsens Alle 24, 2900 Hellerup, Copenhagen Denmark Tel. 0045-39623854 Fax. 0045-39623854 Email. hwu123@yahoo.com Web. http://www.chinaembassy.dk/
驻挪威使馆教育组: Education Office of the Embassy of PRC in Norway Holmenkollveien 30B, 0376 Oslo, Norway Tel. 0047-22494285 Fax. 0047-22495855 Email. education@Chinese-embassy.no
驻芬兰使馆教育组: Education Office of the Embassy of PRC in Finland Kuusiniementie 14 A, 00340 Helsinki, Finland Tel. 00358-9-6986418 Fax. 00358-9-68711140 Email. edse@chinemb.fi Web. http://www.chinaembassy-fi.org/
驻法国使馆教育处: Education Office of the Embassy of PRC in France 29,Rue de la Glaciere 75013 Paris France Tel. 0033-1-44081940 Fax. 0033-1-44081960 Email. yan-yp@spidernet.tm.fr Web. http://jiaoyuchu.online.fr/
驻英国使馆教育处: Education Office of the Embassy of PRC in UK 50 Portland Place, London U.K.WIN 3GD Tel. 0044-20-75803533 Fax. 0044-20-75804474 Web. http://www.chinese-embassy.org.uk/
驻曼彻斯特领馆教育组: Education Office of the Consulate General of PRC in Manchester 153 Barlow Moor Rd., West Didsbury, Manchester M20 8YA UK Tel. 0044-161-4454586 Fax. 0044-161-4489154 Web. http://www.cneduman.org/